Sunday 5 July 2009

Twitt, Twitt and Twitt Some More.

So I guess you could say I'm slightly fan-girling right now. Slightly.
I'm guessing this means the exclamation marks back? I don't know, I like it better without.
Looking forward to hearing New Perspective though. Suspension; what a bitch.

I also realise that this post teamed with the one below kinda makes me seem like a bit of a Panic freak. Quite the contrary, mon frere, I just happened to fall in love with their last album quite a bit. In other words, don't be scared, I'm not a squealer. Yet.

In other news:
Me and Kayleigh, were looking up 'Lake Placid' on Wiki last night and it somehow turned into us looking at crocodiles and alligators which some led to us looking at dragons which then led to us looking at the battle of the white and red dragon in Snowdonia. To cut it short, I've decided I want to climb to Dinas Emrys this summer cause I'm a sucker for Welsh legends. It's also a really pretty place. So hikin up mountains for pointless reasons it is then!

Much love and peace.

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