Friday 31 July 2009

Now Drink Up, Let's Get Drunk & Throw Up In The Car, Let's Get Drunk

Picture Source: My camera(:

We could save the planet, recycle a can or two
Then do some shots & get wrecked on Malibu.
A vodka-spiked pineapple juice, just for me and you.
Let's fuck it all & leave town,
We could move to the seaside - a better seaside - and drown
Because, honestly, what's to lose?
The world's gone to shit, so we can too.

Let's bum in our sweat pants
With the only good men in the world
And watch movies about mermaids, giant snakes, 2 boys & a girl.
Let's climb onto the roof, just because we said
Only to nearly fall & crawl back into bed.

And I'll take your hand and look into the night
And we'll jump the jump & fight the fight.
The bottles will always empty & the cigarettes will burn down
So let's fuck it all, come on, let's leave town.
Because, honestly, what's to lose?
The world's gone to shit, so we can too.

Thursday 30 July 2009

A Postcard For World Peace

This is the latest postcard from A Postcard For World Peace

The most amazing concept in the world, I think! I love it. It's a blog that, as I'm sure you can tell, posts postcards that people send from all over the world to promote peace. It's everyone's own personal message & they do show all postcards. I'm gonna send one the second I get a chance. Get on board & send one in because, really, "all we are saying is give peace a chance."

Board The Train Of Chance...

Sometimes, It Really Is Good To Smile...

And I'm not sure if it's supposed to feel like this.
I'm not sure if these raindrops should be falling
Or if this sun should be shining.
When I tear my hair out.
And dent the grimy wood of the cupboard - I'm not sure.
When I stare into the smeared glass and see your eyes looking back at me,
When I feel the tingle of your hand against mine - I'm not sure.
As the music scratches and the sound halts, for a second,
I feel it.
I know you do too.
Because I've come to realise,
As the track resumes,
As your hand leaves mine,
As your eyes dissappear,
As the dent is replaced with new, shiny wood,
As my hair grows back
As the sun shines magnificentley
And the rain pours heavily,
I'm finally sure.
But I'm not sure I want to be.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Pineapple Express

Plaid shirts, hats, cigarettes, liqour, weed, an outside fire and a few jams on a guitar. What more could a girl ask for?

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Undress Me & Keep Me Warm

I love, love, love this picture. The way it feels like we're spying on them and the intimacy - guh. Just love it.

Let's Get Wrecked On Poptarts And Sex And See The Taj Mahal

"If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal."

Monday 27 July 2009

Can We Fast-Forward To Go Down On Me?

"Stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live a life from a new perspective. You come along because I love your face and I'll admire your expensive taste. And who cares divine intervention? I wanna be praised from a new perspective. But leaving now would be a good idea, so catch me up on getting out of here."

I love it. And it's so, so fitting right now. My repsect for those boys keeps getting higher and higher.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Time Turner

"Life is a B-movie. It's stupid and it's strange. A directionless story and the dialouge is lame, but in the 'he said', 'she said' sometimes there's some poetry. If you turn your back long enough and let it happen naturally."

And Every Penny She Had Was Spent On Purple Hearts & Cigarettes

I'm off to my Daddy's for two day, so there will be a lack of posts on my part. I'll make up for it when I get back though(:

Much love and peace.


Friday 24 July 2009

Convulsing, Repulsing...

So, it's kinda true & maybe slightly known that I have an awed interest in eating disorders. I find them complex and beautifully shocking. I don't endorse them nor preach about how people shouldn't have them. I remain indifferent. Maybe a little biased, but what can I say? The changes the body goes through, the dark, weary fealing you get when you become involved because you know you shouldn't really be looking at it but just can't seem to help it - I love it. I've known, and still know, people who have or have had eating disorders and I love how I'm able to talk to them about it and for them to be able to confide in me. I've never personally been taken in by it, I've come pretty close, but I'm in control enough to not go there, I'm lucky enough to be happy with myself. I think it's fair to say I have some strange interests...

'Jennifer's Body' Comic-Con Party

Double trouble.

Dream Come True, It's You...

The Big Round Ball.

Thursday 23 July 2009


"I stared, motionless, before the mirror. As always, I stayed until I'm convinced that there is no glass, nothing, seperating me from the room I see on the other side. I imagine that everything is different, over there. Better. There are people, in that world, who I would like. But, like always, my hand hits that glass. I know that if I'd only waited just one more second... Shit. I'm gonna go kill a party clown." - Nny.

Where would I be with my JTHM graphic novel? I wouldn't.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

And The Chorus Swells...

I'm leaving town, and I'm taking you with me...

Flat Boys & Frat Boys.

Car - check. Food shopping techniques - check. Flat - next year babe, next year(:

P.s. I have a thing for topless pictures at the moment, so you'll be seeing a lot of them.

Broken Clocks

I'd like to spend eternity with you. Just drinking coffee and smoking all the cigarettes. Lying in the comfort of sheen, white sheets and staring out the window as the birds fly past to greet us 'good morning'. I'd like to spend this hour with you, because I'd like to spend eternity with you.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away (Or, Y'know, Don't...)

Such a murky day. Lovely. I went for a stroll along the beach at about 4:00pm and got some lovely snaps of the sea. It was really relaxing, until I started walking home again and it chucked it down. I got completely soaked and it's a good job the camera, phone and iPod didn't break. It was so much fun though, I came into the house after succumbing to my body's protests and got a ride home, with a huge grin on my face. Moral of the story? The rain's just amazing - especially when it gets you so wet you look like you've just climbed out of a pool.

Much love and peace.

P.s Watched this French movie at work today, 'Pour Elle' ('Anything For Her') and to be frank, it kicked ass! I completely reccomend it!

Irish Coffee

Oh, how we know this one well...

Bale, Bale, Bale...

Patrick Bateman would shit his pants.

Watched Batman Begins at like 2:00am last night with the sister, and for some reason Bruce Wayne's facial expressions were suddenly the most hilarious thing we'd both ever seen. Something in the air, Dr. Crane? ;) "IIIIII'm Batman! Give me freebies!"

P.s Weather's so amazing right now. All cold and wintery. Love it.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Always & Forever, Baby...

As I turned the corner, I saw her leaning against the rain soaked wall, frantically attempting to light her cigarette. Trying and failing as her hands were shaking, preventing the flame from staying put long enough to light it. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes had been rubbed to a state of deep, raw red.
I slowly walked up to her, taking the lighter out of my pocket in the process. As I approached her, I rubbed my thumb over the top of the metal ball and held it against her cigarette that was now hanging loosely from her lips. She didn’t even glance at me but just took a long drag and blew the opaque substance out. She watched the smoked intently as it danced off into the black night sky to mingle with the stars. As she brought the white stick back up to her mouth, I noticed how raw her thumb was from the lighter and I realised how much her smoking had increased since we came here. She must have noticed me looking as I heard her mumble “It wouldn’t light...”
I looked up and our eyes locked. I saw that she was crying again, gently and reluctantly, but she was crying nonetheless and I knew, from the look in her eyes, that she needed me to be there, to just be there with her. No parties. No alcohol. Nothing to take away the pain. She needed to feel the pain for once, because she felt that she needed to be real, and feel just like everyone else. I knew that, and she knew that around me, she could do just that. She needed a friend. And as I was looking at her, I felt stinging in my eyes and within a millisecond, tears of my own began to break out into the cool night air and roll down my face.
I took her into my arms, feeling her warmth surround my body, and she began crying into the crook of my neck as she clung to the back of my top. She shook viciously as she let the tears fall. She had stopped pretending, she had taken of the mask that she wears for the rest of the world. It was just me and her, and as we fell to the floor crying into each other, we didn’t care that the ground was soaking wet, or that we were sitting in years worth of mud and dirt. All we cared about was each other. We were just two fragile, broken girls sat in a dirty alleyway clinging onto each other as if our lives depended on it. For all the crap that we’d been through, for all the bastards we’d met and the friends we’d lost, we still had each other, and that’s all that mattered.
I stroked her hair softly and held her close. She was my best friend. We had gone through so much shit and yet, we were still there, together. As I continued to let her pour her heart out on my shoulder, I leaned upwards and softly whispered into her ear, “It’s us against the world”.

I think I've given up on the book idea. I once described my creativity as kinda like a bubble; it just sits on my head, soaking up any knew information or ideas that my brain comes up with and then every now and then it will just 'POP!' and everything will come pouring out and I have to scramble to soak it all back up again before it trickles away. Not so much fun.

Much love and peace.

P.S I'm sure you recognised the theme of this scene bubz (:
P.P.S. 50th Post! Already? Wow!

Let's Go Outside

I was actually quite pissed about Mecia Simson winning Britain's Next Top Model but, you know, give everyone a chance an' all... So I got Company and flicked to her spread and I did just that - flicked through it. It was absolutely nothing special. The photgraphy for it was fantastic and I actually adore the pictures but she's just too mediocre. Now, I don't know much about modelling so maybe I shouldn't be one to judge, but I'm pretty certain that if you caked me in make up and stuck me in front of a camera, I could do just as well. Sigh. There's always next year though, right?

Where Would We Be If We Couldn't Dream?

Image source: Vintage Film

"And I know, we get a little crazy and I know we get a little loud and I know we're never gonna fake it. We are wild, we are free, we are more than you think. So, call us freaks but that's just the way we roll."

JoBros in November!!

Saturday 18 July 2009

A Girl Called Party, Party Girl...

CK interview from May over at Platform (make sure you click 'next page' to read the rest of the interview)

Friday 17 July 2009

The World Is My Oyster

There are alot of quotes I quote and though it may look as if I'm spewing a bunch of nonsense at people, they do mean something to me. I like quoting, not because I can't find the right words to say things myself, but because I think other people have said it better. I could talk and talk about everything I believe and trust but there's a large chance no one would care. But to put a long and tedious explanation into a quote sums everything up into one simple sentence and it usually portrays how I feel quite well.
So after having some down time and my aums, I've got a few quotes from two of my favorite people in the Universe that kinda reflect my frame of mind right now:

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. " - Buddha

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha

"If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it. " - Lennon

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." - Buddha. (THIS, this has to be one of my favorite quotes of all time, I have it written on the inside of my 'diary', I guess you could call it, and it means so much to me. This is what I mean when I talk of everything I need to say in one sentence. Genius.)

"The mind is everything; what you think, you become." - Buddha

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." - Lennon

In case you haven't noticed, the topic I focused on today was me. I know I'm not a perfect person - far from it. I've spent 15 and a bit years of my life changing and developing into what I'm becoming right now. I've been a complete bitch at times and completely submissive at others. My fashion choices have gone through the mill and back and I'm glad to say that picking up a few copies of Company and Vogue about a year and a bit ago finally gave me and idea of the dos and don'ts. I'm still changing. And I'm trying to choose the right path. It's hard, sometimes, trying to shape yourself into a better person, trying to shake old baggage, to bury the knack to get jealous and irksome I still have, to dicard the way I find hate so easy to feel. I'm getting there, though, I am and I'm glad. I'm only 16 years old. I'm not leading myself the wrong way. I'm growing into a good person and I'm glad. I've got a good head screwed on me and I'm going places, not matter how unrealistic they may be. I dream and I'm not going to let my dream dissapear because of some crappy wall of recession that's built itself along my path. I'll climb over it, knock it down, whatever it takes, but I won't let it stand in my way. I'm going to finish this path of life not angry and resentful, lonely and cold, but happy and fulfilled, with as many friends walking with me as I can fit - and then more. I'm going to exercise my compassion and be as kind to others as I can, but I will not be taken for granted or be played for a fool. My career and my future will always be a factor I'll put above most other things. If I can't be happy with myself, with my life, how can I possibly hold a happy and strong relationship with any other human being? I wish myself good luck and remind myself that no matter what happens, at least music will be there to bail me out.

Much love and peace.


P.s Lord Farquad's totes gonna be in the next Shrek!!!!!

It's Out! It's Out!


Slow on the uptake, I know. Damn lack of internet.

Long Time, No Speak...

I've never realised how much I miss when I'm away from the webs for a few days. It's quite lame, actually. So I missed Pilates and salsa aerobics this week, not good, but I did get to spend some amazing time with my Dad and we caught up on some meditation together, which is always lovely. Not much to blog about tonight really, I could comment on the weather but it's just as cold as it was the other day, so that wouldn't be much of a pulse-racing topic. The only other thing is that I'm slightly craving a job so I can wear work clothes. Not helping the fact that my time has finally come (a bit later than everyone else's due to certain...defences I put up) and I have shamefully succumbed to the fad of 'Balmainia'. Would it be fair to blame Elle for advertising it so nicely (and repetitively)? Good job I'm not a career woman otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd be sporting those hideous, yet fucking lovely, shoulder pads. *hangs head in shame*

I wonder, sometimes, if something's slightly tweeked in my head. You see, when you sit down after 20 minutes of trying to salsa dance to Brian Adams' '(Everything I Do) I Do It For You' on your own, it kinda makes you think...

Now, I need to go clear my emails, no doubt I'll post again tonight with my daily fix of quote and snap. Innabizzle, homeslices.

Much love and peace.

Monday 13 July 2009

Life, I Love You. All Is Groovy...

I can't help but love heavy, heavy rain. I was just say by my window before breathing in the air from the rain and listening to the sound of it. Lovely. I refrained from going out in it cause I'd just had a shower, though I kinda wish I didn't. I also kinda wish it rains like that again tomorrow. Yes, I'm aware it's July and it should be sunny... I'm also aware it's 2:00am and I need to sleep. I'm not like I used to be, age hits us all at some point...

Much love and peace.

P.s. "some light"

I'll Call You When I'm Feeling Blue...

"And it's okay if you have to go away. Oh, just remember that the telephones work both ways. And if I never, ever hear them ring. If nothing else, I'll think the bells inside have finally found you someone else. And that's okay. Because I'll remember everything you sang."

P.s. Whatever you do, NEVER eat Hey! Noodles. Don't be fooled...

Sunday 12 July 2009

Stage 2

Base paint - down. Getting the real shit on today. HURGH! Who needs men to do jobs? GIRL POWER! ;)

Happy Birthday for yesertday, Brian Bello! The most adorablest dumb man on the planet(: Rodrego to win! (Yeah, I'm a sucker for reality television...)

Word of advice: I don't care if you do it every night before bed, do not do your aums at 3:30am. You will fall asleep on your floor and wake up with aches. Everywhere.

Much love and peace.


Friday 10 July 2009

Homeless Shelter - Day 1

So, it's day 1 of painting the 'homeless shelter'. As you can see, we're very much still at stage one. This difficult and complex task entails lifting things and moving them out of the room and others to the centre of the room. This task must be performed with stealth and accuracy, otherwise a chest of draws might end up out the window (I wouldn't be surprised to be honest)

It also somehow includes going to the beach. Fun task. Stealth not necessary (unless your trying to balance on slippy sand up on a pile of rocks. Actually, it might be good to pack a little...)

So, as you can see, we have worked our arses off today. All that sea (poo) spray and damn sand. Tough work, tough work.

Icons, Icons, Icons!

Some really rad icons.

Credit to MUFFINVIOLENCE for the following: (These are only a few of my faves, but she's got a ton more on her LJ. Make sure that if you take, you credit her!)

These are from the beatlesicons LJ community:

These are from the bobdylan_icons LJ community:

Most of these are from the Keltie Colleen, LJ community, radrockette:

For the rest, I can't credit, sorry! Either I've had them too long or I've forgotten and I don't know where they're from.

Panic(!) At The Disco (most of these will be from the patd_icons LJ community:

Jack's Mannequin:

Keira Knightley:


Frank Iero:

Okay, that's it. Woah! Big post! I shouldn't be so obsessed with icons...

Much love and peace.