Saturday, 13 June 2009

Quote of the Day

So instead of quote of the day, I've decided to post a poem.
Mainly because I couldn't choose a quote out of it,
it's all amazing.
It's not unknown, but god, is it great:

What ails thee then, woman, what ails thee?
doesn't ter know?
If tha canna say't, come then an' scraight it out on my bosom!
Eh?-Men doesna ha'e bosoms? 'appen not, on'y tha knows
what I mean.
Come then, tha can scraight it out on my shirt-front
an' tha'lt feel better.

-In the first place, I don't scraight.
And if I did, I certainly couldn't scraight it out.
And if I could, the last place I should choose
would be your shirt front
or your manly bosom either.
So leave off trying to put the Robbie Burns touch over me
and kindly hand me the cigarettes
if you haven't smoked them all,
which you're more likely to do
than to shelter anybody from the cau'auld blast. -

Mr, D.H. Lawrence ladies and gentlemen :P
'Nuff sed, frankly.

Much love and peace.

p.s. I watched 'Cursed' last night - a Wes Craven movie.
It's great. Sooo epically cheesy and a crazy all-young-star cast!
Amazing though, just amazing(:

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