Just jammin' to The Cab with a coffee.
Physics went okay. Today's been amazingly dull, but in a good way(:
So, I've been thinking about getting back into this mediation thing, being the douche I am, I put it on hold for my exams - looking back now, it was possibly the dummest thing I've ever done :P Still, I'm feeling so into it at the moment. I miss it. I used to just sit in my room for half an hour everyday and clear my head of any rational thought.
There's this quote that I just adore; "The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought." I think this has to be one of my favorite quotes of all time.
Lately, music has been my mediation. Obviously not having the mind set to be able to sit and rid myself of any pressing thoughts or worries, I've been able to escape to music. Just turning on my iTunes and dancing round to some good ol' Beach Boys, chillin' to some Jack Johnson or jammin' to a bit of Sex Pistols has allowed any stress that has entered my mind to be pushed right back out, even if only for a while.
Exams are nearly over though and I really cannot wait to get back to my medies' ;)
The great thing about buddhism, I've found, is that you don't necessarily need a religious belief of a faith to follow it. I'm a straight up Athetist, always will be, and I love that I can, to an extent, follow Buddhism without believing anything outside of logic.
I see it as a practice of personal strength and kindess. How we can make ourselves better people and be at peace with not only ourselves, but with the world as a whole; nature and humanity. It allows us to become 'one' with ourselves, to understand why it's good to just forget sometimes, why it's good to just "forget about today until tomorrow" (yes, I quote Dylan when rambling about Buddhism :P). It allows us to forget about pointless and irrelevant thoughts flying around our head and increases our chances of learning something new that day if we are more aware of our surroundings.
As for Karma, I approach this with the same concept. I don't believe that by doing good deeds, the universe, or any Gods are rewarding you, I believe that by doing good deeds and by helping people, people reward you. Kindness, hospitality, love, affection - they are all returned, eventually. By continually showing gratitude and by extending a hand to others, they will eventually return these actions, they will always remember how you've helped them. Call it Karma, call it compassion, whatever - it's a fact that not everyone can ignore a good heart and a good personality. People will recognise this eventually and your kindness will be returned.
I think, after reflecting on this, I need to go to my Daddy's for a bit soon and sit with him; he's dead into this stuff too. I think I'll lend a few of his books.
Anyhoo, I am done with my rambling for today.
"Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go!"
Much love and peace.
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