Thursday, 30 December 2010

Urban Outfitters

Sophia Bush has declared war on Urban Outfitters after they marketted a t-shirt with the words ‘Eat Less’ on the front.

The One Tree Hill actress, in an entry on her personal blog, called for them to issue an apology and make a donation to a charity for eating disorders, and said, “It’s like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun. You should know better.”

Sophia wrote, “To promote starvation? To promote anorexia, which leads to heart disease, bone density loss, and a slew of other health problems, not least of all psychological issues that NEVER go away? Shame on you. I will no longer be shopping at your stores. And I will encourage the tens of thousands of female supporters I have to do the same.”

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

"Snow Is [No Longer] Falling"

The snow has gone. I'm quite glad. It means I can go jogging without fear of falling flat on my arse.

Apologies for the very scarce posts. I am a busy girl :( I will try much harder from now on! Of course, I am always on Tumblr:

For now, have kittens. Lots of kittens.

Big Kitten :P

Much Love and Peace